We get it - your focus is on growing your brand. Let us help you automate and streamline your marketing so you can channel your energy into where it matters most.


NPS Score


Satisfied customers


Hours of experience


Avg. coffees per week

Process consulting

Gain clarity into your outdated marketing processes and understand how automation could help unlock your team's potential.

Gain clarity into what's working, and what's not
Reduce stress, friction and risks of burnout
Get a custom roadmap and plan

AI & automation development

Leverage AI agents and assistants as tools to empower humans to do their best work, not to replace them.

AI agents for content creation, customer support and more
Trained on your brand, business and target audience
Generate leads and integrate with multiple platforms

Inbound marketing strategies

Attract, engage and delight your audience through inbound marketing - a human-centric marketing strategy that uses valuable content and personalised experiences to generate leads, drive sales and foster long-term loyalty and advocacy.

Build an impactful brand and community
Achieve long-term, sustainable growth
Done for you and done with you packages
"Working with Uncommon has given us clarity into our time-consuming marketing and customer support processes. Owen's team has helped us achieve a positive ROI on our time and marketing investment."
Matt | Founder of Minisport

We are passionate about maximising human potential. We want everyone to be able to do work they love, help others and make a meaningful impact.

Industries we work with

Let's see how we can help you

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Frequently asked questions

Knowing how to grow effectively using modern tools & strategies can sometimes feel like a maze. Here are some of the questions we frequently get about our services.

How much do you charge?

Every business has unique challenges, so our packages are custom tailored to your business and so the pricing reflects that. However, we've designed our services to be as inclusive as possible to businesses that are just starting out. Our services start at HKD$10,000 per month.

Can you do one-off projects?

We can do one-off projects such as website development, chatbot development, brand strategy and more, however this is dependent upon our capacity. Book in a call to discuss your project idea with us and we can see whether we can take it on.

What if my team already uses AI?

If you've used any AI tools, you know that garbage in = garbage out. The key to leveraging the power of AI tools is to ensure that it's tailored to your brand and audience. We can help you engineer prompts and build custom chatbots that ensure on-brand content every time, in just a few clicks.

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation refers to the use of software tools and technologies to automate various marketing tasks and processes. These tasks can include things like email marketing, lead nurturing, analytics reporting, customer review management and more. Establishing a robust automation strategy before scaling is crucial to ensure that your team can handle the explosive growth, and the potential challenges that come with it.